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Supporting Local Communities in 2022 - A Year of Resilience

January 9, 2023

In 2022, our ongoing commitment to supporting the communities where our energy facilities operate or are being built took on a new urgency in the face of Russia's aggression. We focused our efforts on helping communities resist the invasion and cope with its consequences.

Supporting Resilience:

  • We provided fuel for the territorial defense forces in the villages of Tokarevka and Afanasyevka, Mykolaiv region.
  • To mitigate power outages, we acquired gasoline and diesel generators for the communities of Tokarevka, Taborovka, and Afanasyevka in Mykolaiv region.
  • We also procured essential medicines and medical equipment for the village communities in Mykolaiv region.

A Shared Effort:

We are deeply grateful to all our partners and employees who have worked tirelessly to support these essential initiatives. In a challenging year, we have shown the power of collaboration and community spirit in the face of adversity.

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