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Rengy Development, through its subsidiary BlockMaster, provides comprehensive turnkey solutions for solar power plant construction. With over 45 years of experience, our team of engineers, designers, and construction specialists delivers high-quality, reliable, and efficient solar power plants tailored to your specific needs.

The company has manufacturing facilities capable of producing:

largescale metal structures,
mounting structures for solar power plants,
modular buildings for a variety of purposes.

We have our fleet of construction machinery and a team of experienced specialists for building and maintaining power plants and substations. Our experts analyse and calculate the costs of solar power plant construction and operation for every individual customer.

Engineering design
Testing and commissioning
Post-construction support

Rengy Development offers a complete EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) package, encompassing every stage of your solar power plant project:

Engineering Design
Our engineers leverage advanced design tools and software to create a customized plant layout that optimizes energy output, considering your site's unique characteristics, weather conditions, and grid integration requirements.
We source high-quality solar panels, the inverters, mounting structures, cables and other components from trusted manufacturers, ensuring the reliability and longevity of your solar power plant.
Our experienced construction team utilizes advanced techniques and equipment to build your plant efficiently and to the highest standards. We conduct civil works, installation and assembly of the solar power plant and the plant integration into the local/regional energy infrastructure. The top quality of construction and installation works is crucial to ensure reliable generation of environmentally friendly electricity.
Testing and Commissioning
We conduct rigorous equipment testing and commissioning, implement connections and configure control systems to ensure your plant operates safely and at peak performance.
Post-Construction Support
We offer ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M) services, as well as electricity trading and forecasting solutions, to maximize your plant's efficiency and profitability.
Rengy Development offers additional services of operations and maintenance (O&M), forecasting, and monitoring of the facility after it has been commissioned. In addition, our electricity sales company Renergy is ready to buy the electricity generated and to supply it to end users.

A brief description of the process of constructing an industrial solar power plant:

preliminary analysis, which is used to determine the solar potential and the possibility of grid connection
development of design drawings of the solar power plant, calculations of the system capacity and efficiency
project approval from regulatory bodies, obtaining necessary permits
procurement of all the components for the solar power plant
cleaning and preparation of the area for installation of the plant
installation works, connection of the inverters/transformers, laying of cable infrastructure
pile ramming and assembly of mounting structures for solar panels
connection of the solar power plant to the existing (or new) energy network
checking the plant performance, configuring equipment for optimal operation

This process provides a systematic approach to solar power plant construction, guaranteeing performance of up to 99.9%.

Our customers benefit from an EPC service tailored to all their business requirements, including a general design and construction contract for their solar power plant. Overall, we can provide you with the following:

Full or partial financing for construction of the solar power plant.
Support in receiving financing entails assistance from our side in the process of obtaining funds for construction of a solar power plant through our partners. This gives the customer the option of minimising the project development cost for the solar power plant and avoiding an additional financial burden.
Building and connecting the solar power plant.
Construction of solar power plants includes turn-key construction and connecting the plant to the customer’s internal electricity network. This ensures maximum use of the generated electricity in accordance with the customer’s consumption schedule with minimal energy transfer to the external electricity grid.
Inclusion of solar power plant operations and maintenance (O&M) as part of a complete solution will improve its productivity. This is important, because the savings obtained will depend directly on the amount of electricity produced by the solar power plant.
Electricity supply.
We offer favourable terms for the supply of electricity without imbalance charges. In the event that the electricity generated by the solar power plant is higher than the company’s consumption, we are ready to buy back the excess electricity.

In case you nominate us as supplier of electricity fo your business, we are ready to finance the construction of the solar power plant partly or in fully ourselves.


Our subsidiary, BlockMaster, has capacities for production of mounting structures for solar power plants designed for different operating conditions. For example, we can design reinforced structures for regions with high winds, and, in areas with deep snow cover, we will use supports with a higher load-bearing capacity.

The local weather and soil conditions are considered during the design of each project, which allows to adapt the solar power plant to the specific local site and community requirements and regulations. In addition to design and manufacturing, BlockMaster primarly specializes on installation and maintenance services for these facilities. Our contracts for solar power plants are concluded according to international standards having passed due diligence by international corporations and IFIs several times.


BlockMaster is ISO 9001:2015 certified, which is a key indicator of the quality and reliability of the products used and services provided. This certificate confirms that the company implements and complies with international standards and requirements for power plants.

BlockMaster is working systematically to improve its processes with a focus on developing practices to build solar power plants according to best international practice.

BlockMaster also complies with the EUROCODE 3 standard, which is the defining standard for managing companies which build solar power plants. This means that the company designs and builds steelwork structures in compliance with European standards. It guarantees that products will be highly reliable and safe with a long service life due to strict quality and safety standards applied in production and construction. We also make sure that all necessary authorisations for construction of the solar power plant are obtained prior to commencing the works.

The metal structures that we use are galvanised with a zinc coating of 80–100 microns . They provide high strength and a long service life. Galvanisation protects the metal from corrosion which is particularly important in open conditions where they are exposed to the environment. This thickness of the zinc layer will guarantee additional protection and increase the service life of the structures.

The company provides a long-term warranty for its prefabricated support systems used in solar power plant construction. This emphasises its confidence in the quality and reliability of its products. Customers are assured of the long-term operation and reliability of the solar power plant.

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